ECCE WRITING: Unit 12: Visiting Wildlife - A Formal Letter to City Officials regarding Litter- Cb. pg. 131, ECCE Stars & Stripes by Evans V., & Dooley J., published in 2012, by Express Publishing

Dear City Officials,

Introduction: It is hard enough to deal with the problem of street littering in our city. The situation gets worse each day that passes , making it look uglier, unhealthier and impassable. I am writing to offer some suggestions on how the issue of littering may be solved.

 Para 2: To begin with, the city should pass a law in which anyone who litters the streets should be fined. For instance, if they are caught to litter once, they should be fined with the amount of 15 euros.
If they fall into the same trap again (the one of littering), then the fine doubles to 50 euros for this time.  A third offence should include some form of community service having to do with clean up action plans of the environment set out by the local council. As a result, even if they seem not to care about the healthy appearance of the environment and the public health of their co-humans, they will stop polluting for fear of losing money or becoming ill.

Para 3: Furthermore, another to do is to place more rubbish bins and recycling cans in almost every corner of our city.  For example, after having placed them, city workers will be responsible for emptying them at the end of each day. Moreover, a better idea, for residents, would be to exchange their trash for food coupons of bus passes(idea given credit to: Take Off, Level B1, Linda Jones, Hillside Press, 2013, Unit 3- Curitiba). By doing so,  residents will be encouraged to recycle more for practical reasons; so, hopefully, they won't pollute any longer.

Conclusion: In conclusion   if we fine people , they may conform to the rules and respect their pocket and the environment more.  Additionally, if we motivate residents to recycle, they will stick to it for a purpose. The city will look more pleasant and healthier to live in .
Thank you for considering my views.

Yours Sincerely,
Vivi Andreopoulou


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